1. Rasayanas (Rejuvenatives)

  • Chyawanprash: A herbal jam made with amla (Indian gooseberry) and other herbs, used for overall health and immunity.

  • Ashwagandha: A powerful adaptogenic herb used for stress relief, energy, and vitality.

  • Triphala: A combination of three fruits (amla, bibhitaki, and haritaki) used for digestion and detoxification.

2. Vati (Tablets) and Gutika (Pills)

  • Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) tablets: Used for boosting immunity and treating fever.

  • Shilajit: A mineral pitch used for vitality, energy, and as a general health tonic.

3. Churna (Powders)

  • Hingwashtak Churna: Used for digestive issues like gas and bloating.

  • Triphala Churna: A mild laxative and detoxifier.

4. Ghrita (Medicated Ghee)

  • Brahmi Ghrita: Used for neurological disorders and improving memory.

  • Panchagavya Ghrita: Prepared with ghee and five products from cow (milk, curd, ghee, urine, and dung), used in various neurological disorders.

5. Taila (Oils)

  • Maharasnadi Taila: Used for joint pain and inflammation.

  • Bhringraj Taila: Hair oil used for hair growth and scalp health.

6. Asava and Arishta (Fermented Formulations)

  • Dashmularishta: Used in postpartum care to improve strength and vitality.

  • Ashokarishta: Used for gynecological disorders like menstrual irregularities.

7. Kwatha (Decoctions)

  • Punarnavadi Kwath: Used for kidney and urinary disorders.

  • Kadha: A general term for herbal teas or decoctions used for various health purposes.

8. Bhasma and Pishti (Calculated Metallic and Mineral Preparations)

  • Swarna Bhasma: Gold ash used in rejuvenation and improving immunity.

  • Mukta Pishti: Pearl powder used for cooling and digestive disorders.

9. Lepa (Pastes) and Pratisarana (Ointments)

  • Yashtimadhu Lepa: Licorice paste used for skin conditions and wound healing.

  • Jatyadi Ghrita: Medicated ghee used for wound healing and skin diseases.

10. Single Herb Supplements

  • Turmeric capsules: Used for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

  • Neem capsules: Used for skin disorders and as an immune booster.

11. Herbal Teas and Drinks

  • Tulsi tea: Holy basil tea used for respiratory health and stress relief.

  • Ginger tea: Used for digestion and immunity.

12. Ayurvedic Cosmetics and Personal Care Products

  • Neem face wash: Used for acne and skin purification.

  • Amla hair oil: Used for hair growth and scalp health.

At Kaetee Pharma, we specialize in sourcing and delivering high-quality ayurvedics from authorized dealers. Our commitment to excellence ensures that you receive your products quickly and reliably, helping you maintain a steady supply for your needs.

While we showcase a selection of popular ayurvedics below, our capabilities extend far beyond this list. Whether you need a specific product or brand, we can procure any ayurvedics you require. Trust us to meet your unique needs with prompt and professional service.

For inquiries and orders, please get in touch with Mr. Mayank at +918401625022. We look forward to serving you and building a lasting partnership.